OCARINA: An ocarina is a wind instrument, like a flute. You start with a whistle, then add different sized holes in various organizations (inline or transverse) to get different notes.
Here is a video of a gentleman playing an Ocarina.
Ocarinas have a long history. Native Americans have been making zoomorphic ocarinas to play during spiritual dances to call upon their gods.
ZOOMORPHIC: Adapting the form of an object into animal like features.
One artist that creates neat illustrated Zoomorphic artworks is Josh Berer.
Notice he fills in the space with arabic words and patterns? You are going to sketch a whistle, draw it in a zoomorphic form, then carve a decorative design into the surface.
- Sketch!!!! Figure out all views!
- Add features to make it a zoomorphic form
- Hide the nozzle
- Carve the decorative design while leather hard
- The whistle must work!
- You may add holes to make it into an ocarina if you like! It's optional.